Ten Leadership Points

Ten Leadership Points


What Will Make You an Effective Leader?

10 Points For You to Develop, by Gary Bergenske


You will find all successful leaders have common characteristics that make them successful.  It’s almost as though there could be a recipe for being a successful leader.  To a point that is true, leaders can be developed and trained to become successful by setting specific goals and following through in their desire to achieve.  To be a successful leader you must continually work on making yourself and your people skills better.  There is always room for improvement regardless of what level you are at.

     Leaders are not just born that way, they are developed.  Anyone has the opportunity to become a good leader.  To do so that individual must have the desire to become a student of leadership. He must be passionate in all areas required of a good leader.  Leaders are always wanting to learn more, they possess the skills needed to take it to the next level.

     Good leaders then develop vision, communication and motivational skills that will soon have others looking to them for leadership.  Gary Bergenske believes if you follow and build on his 10 characteristics  of leadership, you too, can be a successful leader.  Good leadership is in great demand. The opportunity to lead is there for any one willing to make the sacrifices needed  to improve themselves to that level.

     Leaders are positive, yet disciplined, and schedule their time most effectively to get the best results out of every day.  Bergenske, who owns his own business works full time.  He and his wife Anne have six children, ages 18 to 28.  A few years ago they had the challenge of having 4 children in College at one time.  Bergenske loves challenges though.  He is vary involved in the Shrine of North America where  he served as the Potentate of Bahia Shriners in 2005.  Good leaders have the ability to schedule their time to be able to participate in many activities.

     Bergenske is vary passionate in all activities he becomes involved in.  He has done motivational speaking, and been a presenter at seminars around the country the past 7 years.  When asked why does he become so involved in so many activities he has this to say, “I get excited about helping others, helping them to do things they did not realize they could do.  I feel great about making a positive impact, and making a difference in peoples lives” He personally works on his 10 points of leadership every day.

10 Leadership Points For You to Develop


10 Key Points every successful Leader should have ……

Gary contends that you will find the following 10 characteristics in all Successful Leaders.  Being a good leader is within every persons grasp, if they want it.

Positive Attitude



People Skills





Good Character

Motivational Skills

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